LMA: Tell us a little about your artistic background:
Angie: I have always been involved in some form of artistic endeavor, beginning with dance. I have always felt a strong pull to express myself artistically.
Green Tea Mirror by Angie Heinrich
LMA: How did you get started in mosaics?
Angie: My mother-in-law took me to my first art class about 20 years ago. It was so much fun that it started to fill all my spare time. I was obsessed! I was working in the tech industry at the time of the 2001 tech crash, so I decided to sell my brand-new car and buy mosaic materials. I am really fortunate to have a really supportive husband and I felt I had the freedom of a few years to figure out how to make my business profitable.
LMA: How long have you been creating mosaic, art, etc?
Angie: For almost 20 years.
LMA: What about mosaics resonates with you?
Angie: I love mosaic art because it is incredibly accessible. Anyone can create something meaningful and beautiful with a few tips, the right materials, and a bit of direction. I personally find creating mosaics meditative and my studio has become my sanctuary of peace, introspection, and soul-filling satisfaction.
Aztec Blue Mirror by Angie Heinrich
LMA: What is your favorite part of the mosaic process?
Angie: Working with color feels like my soul’s purpose. Color can exude such powerful emotional responses and I aspire to help raise the vibration of the homes and lives of my clients and students.
LMA: Do you have a favorite subject matter? What is it?
Angie: I am always pulled to create pieces that are predominately symmetrical. I find working with symmetry and the final piece to have a rhythm that feels peaceful and wraps one in calm and beauty.
LMA: Do you have favorite materials you like to work with? What are they?
Angie: I work primarily with glass beads and glass tiles. The combination of the two creates a texture, interest, energy, and sparkle. I love anything that moves light! I am especially drawn to anything iridescent.
Mandala Sanora Mirror by Angie Heinrich
LMA: What is your favorite thing you have created and why?
Angie: I am really loving the mandala mirrors right now. I love their spiritual meaning and I find the entire process inspiring and enchanting.
LMA: What would you like to learn/add to your mosaics experience?
Angie: I want to dive deeper into the vibration of color and how it specifically affects us. I have a strong intuition regarding color, but I want to understand it more from a scientific and psychological point of view. This is where I am focusing my education right now.
White Bubble Mirror by Angie Heinrich
LMA: What is your least favorite thing about mosaics and why?
Angie: I think my least favorite thing to do is grout. Lol. Thankfully, I have a wonderful group of women that help me grout on a regular basis.
LMA: Do you listen to music while creating (what type/bands)or do you prefer the TV(what shows/genera/channel)? Silence? Pod cast? Etc.?
Angie: One of my favorite things to do in my studio is to listen to audiobooks. It feels so luxurious to have an amazing reader read a book to you. I get lost in fabulous worlds and emerge refreshed and entertained. Sometimes I will go through 3 books in a week! I do have some daily/weekly podcasts that I listen to occasionally. I’m always looking for suggestions.
Mina Mirror by Angie Heinrich
LMA: What is one of your favorite quotes or sayings?
Angie: “Creativity is how I share my soul with the world.” -Brene Brown
LMA: If you could give readers one single piece of advice, what would it be?
Angie: Create and experiment with what brings your heart joy. It will lead you down a path and open doors you didn’t even know were there. Along the way, be kind to yourself and leave the judgement of others at the door. You really don’t have to finish that piece that no longer brings you joy.
Noland Mirror by Angie Heinrich