Diversity Mural

Location of the mural
It's on the South side of Lamp & Shade Craft Kitchen and Cocktails. Only a 4 minute walk from Luna Mosaic Arts.
1336 N Mills Ave
Orlando, FL 32803

Jennifer Kuhns leads a weekly mosaic program for at-risk teens in a rural town in Washington State (USA) and in January 2017, she launched a mural project for the side of the high school. They made mosaic hearts in class and with the community all year. The most wonderful aspect of this project has been that mosaic artists and students around the world have also sent hearts for the mural!
The design developed as a response to the Pulse nightclub shooting on June 12, 2016 in Orlando, FL as a way to send support and love to those who suffer from discrimination and hatred. After the presidential election, the message felt even more urgent, and more broad. We feel this message extends to all who are persecuted for being outside of the mainstream. It is a giant, visual love note to the world, and a way for participants (heart-makers) to express support for and alliance with disenfranchised people.

Beginning of Orlando Diversity Mural
In 2018, Jennifer Kuhns contacted me and proposed the idea of creating a Diversity Mural somewhere in Orlando. I thought it was a great idea! I went driving around looking for potential walls. Turns out there was a nice LARGE blank wall walking distance from my studio. I contacted the owner of the building, submitted the permits and we were ready to announce it to the mosaic universe.
First Version
We put out a call to mosaic artists all over the world to send hearts to be part of the mural. The only requirement was that you kept it mostly one color. You could decorate any way you wanted to. The hearts started pouring in! We were near the initial deadline and were around 800 hearts. I said, let’s extend the deadline till we get 1000. A couple months later we received just a little over 1000.
We put calls out to help with grouting and installing. I probably had over 50 volunteers throughout the whole project. People would be walking by the mural and want to help. We even had Commissioner Patty Sheehan make a heart and help with grouting. Laticrete International was very generous and donated all the materials to grout and install the entire mural. They even sent us custom colorant to add to the grout, so we could grout every heart with it’s matching grout color!

Final version
In the summer of 2020, the building was sold. I was a little nervous about what might happen to the mural. There has been a lot of changes in the neighborhood. Buildings being bought and torn down. New places renovating. I get an email from the new tenants, letting me know what their plans are for the building. They let me know they were going to cut large holes into the mural. My heart sank. When you do public art you always have to remember that it might not always stay there.
Good news was they wanted to expand the mural. They got the City of Orlando to pay for the mural expansion. In 2023, we put out a call to artists again. It was nice because everyone who had wanted to make a heart the first time but couldn't - got the opportunity to make one now. I held 2 private workshops for Mills 50 District (the neighborhood the mural is located in) where they could invite who they wanted to come make a heart to be part of the mural. Joanne Grant, the Executive Director of Mills 50, invited Mayor Buddy Dyer and his wife, Commissioner Patty Sheehan and Allex Englett, the Executive Director of Ivanhoe Village(the neighborhood my studio is in) invited Commissioner Robert F. Stuart and his wife, along a group of other people.

I received over 700 hearts for the second addition. My favorite part is opening every box to see what each person has created. I had a bunch of volunteers come out to help grout and install every single heart! Laticrete was very generous again and supplied all the grout and thinset! The new business decided to paint the whole building black! I decided to paint to some wispy white areas coming off the original white grout. And then I added some hearts on the black area too. I really like how the cloud of hearts stands out on the wall now!! AND it's fills the wall much better now. While we were out there we, fix any of the hearts that were missing pieces and refreshed the white grout. This way you really couldn't tell where the added section began.
As sad as it was to have 2 giant holes cut into the mural, it was really nice to get to work on a community art mural again.

A huge
To all the people that sent in hearts and volunteered with the installation.
The list below is of everyone who sent in hearts and their locations
A look back
at the whole process